This reflects my experience living at the intersection of gaming and transgender identity. Video games can force them to grapple with their gender identity. a trans person who doesn’t know they are trans), the game’s choices, options, and customization might confront this player with certain trans-themed truths that they would normally avoid. Through their very nature as an interactive medium, video games have an array of options and choices that rely on input from the player, and when that aforementioned player is an egg (i.e. Like a gay Rube Goldberg Machine, games can help closeted trans people realize something about their lives is amiss and offer ways to remedy these identity issues.

Video games essentially act as vehicles for queer self-discovery. Through character creators, trans-specific quests, and deliberate narrative-driven games with transgender representation, video games offer a terrific alternative outlet for trans people to interact with complex inner feelings that our culture deems taboo. Where closeted and questioning trans people must avoid potentially hostile family members, do their own research on gender identity and transition-related care, and literally hide their secret stash of clothes and makeup in a closet, games can be far more liberating. In the real world, experimenting with new names, clothes, and enacting a whole identity that better aligns with one’s true self can be harder than a FromSoftware game, but within the confines of the virtual world, experimenting with gender presentation and understanding new trans-themed concepts is far less difficult.

Video games offer a safe place for trans people to explore their gender identity.